Table of Contents

Just a quick few lines on how to combine CalDAV, CardDAV and Android

You might want to set up a server on a Linux server. I'm using Baïkal and although I've only have 1 day experience with it, already reporting my experiences (this is a rough draft!)

Baïkal CardDAV and CalDAV server on Debian Linux


Make sure you've got https working. You can get free SSL certificates from CAcert, however you will need to add the CAcert root certificate to your android device & pc


Baïkal is in the repository, I however have chosen to downloaded/install it manually:

- Download the tarball from the official Baïkal website.

- Extract the Baïkal archive to /var/www/, it will create a folder baikal-regular.

- Follow the instructions from the file, available for Apache and nginx webservers. I needed to install the Debian packages apache2 sqlite3 php5-sqlite


Log in the website administrator, create a new user with a secure password.


URL's you will need: Contacts: https:<>/card.php/addressbooks/<username>/default Agenda: https:<>/cal.php/calendars/<username>/default

Synchronising Contacts and Calendar on Windows (Mozilla Thunderbird)

Thunderbird mail client

Lightning (Thunderbird Calendar application)

SOGo Frontend Thunderbird extension (connecting Thunderbird & Lightning to the CardDAV and CalDAV server)

If you have installed Thunderbird, install Lightning and SOGo by going to Extra → Extensions and dragging the downloaded lightning*.xpi and sogo-connector-*.xpi onto this screen. Restart Thunderbird when asked to.

go to 'Addressbook' or 'Contacts', click File → New → Remote Addressbook/Contacts and enter the CardDAV URL. go to 'Calendar' (Lightning), click File → New → Remote Calendar and enter the CalDAV URL.

Test it, if you add a contact or a calendar item, see if the Baïkal admin website displays the correct number of contacts.


Download the app 'DAVdroid', create account for both contacts & agenda:

Enter the CardDAV url, fill in the correct username and password, and disable 'Preemptive authentication' (it is still secure via the HTTPS connection)

Repeat this step, but now with the CalDAV URL.